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'How to build a simple MongoDB DAO in Scala using SalatDAO' post illustration
How to build a simple MongoDB DAO in Scala using SalatDAO

Usually a data access object for MongoDB consists of common routine CRUD methods. Those methods should be implemented, tested, maintained just like any other code. In this post, I'm going to show you how to use SalatDAO to vastly simplify the process.

Generally, Salat is used for serialization of case classes, enums and collections to

'RESTful service load testing using Gatling 2' post illustration
RESTful service load testing using Gatling 2

In this post, I am going to show how to create load tests for a REST API application with the help of Gatling 2. This will be a step-by-step guide — starting from integrating Gatling 2 using SBT plugin, creating/configuring test scenarios, and all the way to running the Gatling tests.

'Scala REST API Integration Testing with Spray-testkit' post illustration
Scala REST API Integration Testing with Spray-testkit

Here you can find out how to create integration tests for RESTful service on the example of application shown in the article "Building REST service with Scala". To create the tests, I am going to use spray-testkit DSL, as it provides a simple way to test route logic for services built with spray-routing.