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'Tools battle: SpiraTest, TestRail and TestLodge' post illustration
Tools battle: SpiraTest, TestRail and TestLodge

The modern IT marketplace of the high technologies offers the multiplicity of great solutions for software testing. In this article we review the pros and cons of the most famous web-based test management tools: SpiraTest, TestRail and TestLodge. Every of the mentioned services is the comprehensive web-based test management software that allows to control, monitor and organize effectively the testing efforts of the QA department.

'Creating paginated archives in Grain' post illustration
Creating paginated archives in Grain

There are very few things in Grain framework that need a detailed explanation except being described in the docs. However, there's one thing, which I really want to clarify in details for Grain users. I wanted to write an article for the people who seek for simple instructions for implementing tasks that require complex manipulation to site pages, like including information from one page to another, creating or replacing pages, etc. As an example, in this guide I will tell you how to create paginated blog archive for your site.

'Creating a custom website or a theme with Grain' post illustration
Creating a custom website or a theme with Grain

Grain theme is a project that provides a layout-based skeleton for creating static websites by only adjusting the configuration and adding a content. This post shows how to use the theme template in order to create a custom Grain theme — starting from defining content files and page layouts, and up to building user-friendly, page-formatting tools.

'Deployment to GitHub pages is introduced' post illustration
Deployment to GitHub pages is introduced

There's been three weeks since we made first public release of Grain and we're back to share some release news with you. First of all, we'd like to thank to all the people, who showed interest in our product and helped us by making first contributions or posting thoughtful feedbacks, your help is really valuable for us.

'Groovy application utilizing Spring IoC example' post illustration
Groovy application utilizing Spring IoC example

With the latest performance enhancements and great dynamic, functional and meta-programming features Groovy becomes a very good choice not only for scripting, but also for big and complex application building. Long term complex application development requires extensive unit testing utilization to allow moving forward without breaking existing features. Groovy plays nicely with powerful Spring framework, which can be used to make application easily extensible and unit testing friendly.

'Building REST service with Scala' post illustration
Building REST service with Scala

Enterprise application might be developed using a variety of architectural styles. And REST is one of the most powerful of them. It allows us to build simple, scalable, highly productive APIs with independent components on the basis of widespread standards like HTTP, MIME etc, engaging their true potential.

Let's discuss how to create a lightweight, but full-featured RESTful service from scratch.

'Table existence check using Slick' post illustration
Table existence check using Slick

I'm using Slick library in my project and need to ensure that all required MySQL tables are created on application start.

'How to update entire database record using Slick' post illustration
How to update entire database record using Slick

Slick documentation says how to perform update operation for specific column, but doesn't contain any examples of updating entire record.

Below is tiny example of how to do that.

'Pagination and sorting in many-to-many relationship' post illustration
Pagination and sorting in many-to-many relationship

This example shows how to use pagination and sorting with many-to-many relationship in Grails.