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'Customizing scripts execution in Groovy Shell' post illustration
Customizing scripts execution in Groovy Shell

When Groovy has grown up to version 2, it has gained a lot of brand new features and improvements in areas of productivity and security. Groovy now provides the ability to statically type check and statically compile your Groovy code for robustness and performance. This is very useful when you don't need Groovy's dynamic features, or simply want to speed up performance of your scripts.

'Painless Groovy Concurrency' post illustration
Painless Groovy Concurrency

Gpars (Groovy Parallel Systems) is the best solution for your concurrency problems with mutable objects. Gpars gives you a number of high-level abstractions for writing concurrent and parallel code in Groovy (map/reduce, fork/join, asynchronous closures, actors, agents, dataflow concurrency and other concepts), which can make your Java and Groovy code concurrent and/or parallel with little effort. Gpars is bundled in Groovy starting from version of 2.1.

'Association types in GORM' post illustration
Association types in GORM

GORM (Grails Object Relational Mapping) is a plugin integrated with Grails and based on Java ORM - Hibernate. In this article, I'm going to describe how to make different kinds of associations in GORM.

'Dump a specific table or few rows (MySQL)' post illustration
Dump a specific table or few rows (MySQL)

The 'mysqldump' command is used to dump databases managed by MySQL. Let's consider three the most useful cases of MySQL database dumping.

'Embedding recent Jetty in Groovy using Grape' post illustration
Embedding recent Jetty in Groovy using Grape

Several days ago I have a need to launch Groovlets on a web server. I have decided to go with recent Jetty for this task, developed by Eclipse Foundation at these days. It turned out to be non trivial task, but at the end it all worked so I decided to share my experience with you.

'How to deploy Grails (Tomcat 7) application to Cloud Foundry' post illustration
How to deploy Grails (Tomcat 7) application to Cloud Foundry

I had an issue with deploying my Grails project to Cloud Foundry with using cloudfoundry-grails-plugin. My application was using Tomcat 7 unlike Cloud Foundry, which use Tomcat 6. In other words, to have a Grails application with Tomcat 7 run, I had to deploy the entire Tomcat 7 directory, but before it should be slightly reconfigured.

'Proper rendering of posts by tag and by author in Octopress' post illustration
Proper rendering of posts by tag and by author in Octopress

Octopress has generation of per tag index. By default it shows only post title. This works okay, until the moment when you will want to customize category_index.html and try to output some excerpt of post content too. You will face the issue that post content renders incorrectly. This is a problem in plugins/category_generator.rb plugin.

'Checkout a specific revision with Git' post illustration
Checkout a specific revision with Git

If you have a project and want to checkout specific revision (commit), you can do it as described below.

'Upgrade ElasticSearch on Linux' post illustration
Upgrade ElasticSearch on Linux

Suppose you have a system with ElasticSearch server installed and need to upgrade it to a newer version. Below is a step-by-step guide explaining how you can do it, but note that it only works for ElasticSearch pre-1.x versions. It's also assumed that you have already stopped your ElasticSearch cluster before upgrading.