Trip Sharing Application

Full-cycle development of a carpooling app

About the client

Our client had an idea for a startup — a carpooling application to help people protect the environment by reducing emissions and save money by sharing fuel costs. The application allows users to post trips and find companions traveling the same route.

Looking for a reliable partner

As soon as our client had crystallized the application idea, they started looking for a team to handle the development. It was important for our client to find a nuclear team that could implement all tasks efficiently and with the most optimal cost-to-performance ratio.

What we offered

Marketing research

Our business analyst conducted marketing research to align the application with market demand and attract investments to fund the startup. We conducted competitor research to help the client identify their key advantages and created ideal customer portraits to better understand the target audience.

Design and branding

One of the key advantages of the application was an outstanding user interface with convenient user flows. To achieve this, we assigned our lead designer to develop branding and create intuitive interfaces that help users quickly and productively navigate the application. They spiced up the application with some animations to make the user experience seamless and unforgettable.

Unique algorithm

One of our main tasks was to ensure simplicity for users by matching drivers with passengers based on their location. Our backend developer created a unique matching algorithm that enabled finding companions in a certain radius and establishing a meeting location that would be convenient for both the driver and passengers.

Cross-platform solution

The target audience is almost evenly split between iOS and Android. In order to cover a broader audience and still avoid the double effort of developing two separate applications, our frontend engineer created a cross-platform application, which allowed the client to reach their goals cost-effectively.

Project management

Thanks to an Agile methodology and Scrum-based processes, our project manager ensured that we followed the product roadmap and took responsibility for prioritizing features so that development fit within the time and budget requirements while covering the necessary scope. Organizing and facilitating all processes made work on the project convenient and productive for the team and stakeholders.

Flexible team structure

When some parts of the application required particular expertise, we involved required specialists to ensure the project had the most suitable talents on board. Moreover, we adjusted the capacity of the project team to avoid having any idle specialists and fit the tight startup budget without compromising quality.




React Native


Play 2



Stripe Connect

Firebase Cloud Messaging




React Native Maps


What’s next?

After the MVP was ready, the client started marketing activities and continued acquiring the next round of investments. At SysGears, we are ready to continue working on and scaling the project, maximizing its profitability for owners and value for users.