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'Get image dimensions with ng-flow' post illustration
Get image dimensions with ng-flow

This note shows how to get the width and height of an image inside of an AngularJS controller with the help of ng-flow library. First of all, you can get image dimensions by using the Image element constructor and specifying the following onload callback function

'Launch Ionic app with a web or email link' post illustration
Launch Ionic app with a web or email link

Custom URL scheme PhoneGap Plugin is a cool plugin for Cordova that is designed to allow to launch apps by clicking on a link in an email or on a web page. Bellow is an example of how this plugin can be used for the Ionic application.

'How to trigger a method with the keyboard shortcut in AngularJS' post illustration
How to trigger a method with the keyboard shortcut in AngularJS

If you are, for example, working on a chat application, one of the features that the user expects is an ability to send a message with a keyboard shortcut. The example of a directive below shows how this can be achieved for Shift + Enter combination:

'Get a base64 encoded image using ng-flow in AngularJS' post illustration
Get a base64 encoded image using ng-flow in AngularJS

Here is an example of how you can get a Base64 encoded image using the ng-flow for the image upload, for instance, if you need to send the image in a JSON request.

'Basics of AppleScript: Mac OS scripting Language' post illustration
Basics of AppleScript: Mac OS scripting Language

Every computer user has to deal with boring and time-consuming operations such as sending a lot of similar emails, converting files between formats, making backups and so on. Mac OS has a handy tool that is called AppleScript which can perform all these tasks for an user. This post shows how to start with AppleScript and how to use it in order to "communicate" with MAC applications.

'Painless Groovy Concurrency' post illustration
Painless Groovy Concurrency

Gpars (Groovy Parallel Systems) is the best solution for your concurrency problems with mutable objects. Gpars gives you a number of high-level abstractions for writing concurrent and parallel code in Groovy (map/reduce, fork/join, asynchronous closures, actors, agents, dataflow concurrency and other concepts), which can make your Java and Groovy code concurrent and/or parallel with little effort. Gpars is bundled in Groovy starting from version of 2.1.